Saturday, March 30, 2013

Language of Flowers

Spring is definitely the most floral of all the seasons, and that had us thinking about the Victorian Language of Flowers. While specific flowers have held significance in various cultures for centuries, it was most popular during the 19th century. Within the same type of flowers, certain colors had different meanings, and the way they were arranged, held and given all helped deliver a message. The following are a selection from many.

Lavender - Devotion, distrust

Lily of the Valley - Sweetness, humility, returning happiness

Red Tulip - Undying love

Yellow Tulip - Hopeless love

White Carnation - Pure love

Striped Carnation - Refusal

Green Carnation - Secret followers of Oscar Wilde

Yellow Poppy - Wealth and success

Burgundy Rose - Unconscious beauty

Lavender Rose - Love at first sight

Ivy - Endurance

Angrec - Royalty

Lemon Blossom - Discretion

If you are interested in what other blossoms signify, this site lists multiple resources.

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