
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

In case you're still not sure what to dress up as this Halloween, 
we suggest the following options, which can easily be thrown together 
last minute with things you already own.

The Seasons
This can either be a group costume, or you can pick your favorite.
We put together makeup looks for each one, taking into account seasonal color palates.
It would be easy to add accessories from the garden, such as autumn leaves or fresh flowers
in your hair. For spring we suggest wearing all pastels or florals (a huge trend lately, so hopefully
you have some in your closet). A summer outfit could consist of neon colored clothes
(also so trendy). For fall, deep jewel tones work well (we love crimson). And for winter
we love head to toe white or black (and fur, if possible). If you're feeling especially ambitious,
plan on costume changes throughout the night, cycling through all 4 seasons.

This also could be a group costume, but stands well on its own. For this we suggest
dressing head to toe in one color palette (purple for amethyst, white for diamond,
red for ruby, blue for sapphire). Extra points if your makeup and/or manicure matches.
If you have colored rhinestones or beads, adding them randomly for
sparkle really accentuates the costume.

Rock Star
This is an easy costume to throw together. Your rock star look will vary
depending on who your favorite band is, but we love classic black jeans/leather pants,
tee shirt, leather jacket, boots, heavy eyeliner and lots of layered jewelry.
Wearing your favorite band's concert tee as part of your costume helps convey the message
as well. One of our favorite fashion icons, Kate Moss, is great at rocking this look.

Incredible Shrinking Woman/50 ft. Woman
Most effective if you are very tall or very short. Depending on which of the
 two you choose, bring shoes with varied heel height to either grow or shrink
over the course of the Halloween party.

Hitchcock Heroine
As you might have noted from our recent posts, we are huge Hitchcock fans.
Pick your personal favorite and add a prop to make your choice more obvious
(a phone for 'Dial M for Murder', a fake Bird for 'The Birds',
a small bouquet of flowers for 'Vertigo').

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