
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Recipe: Club Sauce

In honor of today's return of Arrested Development, we wanted to offer a recipe that its characters might enjoy (other than vodka rocks, toast, cornballs, or frozen bananas), that could accompany a marathon viewing of the new season. Club Sauce, first mentioned in the episode Burning Love, seemed like the right choice, since, as you can tell from Gob's dramatic reading of the menu, the condiment goes with everything.  Be sure to have unlimited juice alongside...


1/4 cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons ketchup
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons yellow mustard
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
Tabasco sauce to taste (more may be added to make it Spicy Club Sauce)
juice of half a lemon
one shallot, grated

Combine ingredients in a bowl and chill.  Serve with fried cheese, shrimp, burgers, fries, etc.

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